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Blog: News

We’re Launching our New Website!

We’re Launching our New Website! American Athletic Track and Turf is proud to launch its new website! While the address is still the same,, we have worked alongside the developer, SEMGeeks, to make sure the website is

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Blog: News | Track Installation

In Search of a Qualified Track and Tennis Court Builder

Constructing running tracks and tennis courts requires incredible precision. These playing surfaces are designed specifically for athletic activity and competition and conform to certain standards to ensure player safety and high performance.

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Blog: Running Tracks | Track Installation

Make Your Running Track More Affordable with Value Engineering

You’ve hired a running track designer to draw your dream running track design. The project has gone out for bid and the prices come back way higher than you ever expected. Your present track is falling apart and basically unsafe to use. You have

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Blog: Running Tracks

Running Track Repair Guide

Running Track Repair Guide Do you have a running track that is not performing as it should? Is the synthetic track surface falling apart? Are the stripes of the running track oval in the grass and the high jump or other field events undersized?

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Blog: Running Tracks | Track Installation

How Long Will My New Athletic Running Track Last

I’m often asked what the lifespan of a running track is? Most people who ask this question really only consider the synthetic surface, but there are other more important key components to consider when estimating the maximum running track

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What Our Clients Say

  • We chose AACI to work on 3 different running track and sports construction projects. In all instances AACI’s work ranks as the BEST example in sports construction I have ever witnessed in my 33 years in this industry.

    John Bell, PE
    President, Kinsey Associations,
    Park & Recreation Consultants
  • Upon final inspection of Bucknell University’s new asphalt pavement for their 2012 running track project, Geoff Daley exclaimed: “In 20+ years of synthetic track surfacing, I have not seen asphalt paved to that precision and consistency.

    Geoff Daley, CTB
    Chief Estimator and Director of Quality Assurance