Running Track Repair Guide
Running Track Repair Guide Do you have a running track that is not performing as it should? Is the synthetic track surface falling apart? Are the stripes of the running track oval in the grass and the high jump or other field events undersized?
Read MoreHow Long Will My New Athletic Running Track Last
I’m often asked what the lifespan of a running track is? Most people who ask this question really only consider the synthetic surface, but there are other more important key components to consider when estimating the maximum running track
Read MoreRunning Track Installation Tips ‐ Make it Lasts 20 Years
Running Track Installation Tips ‐ Make it Lasts 20 Years Running track installation is a skill that unfortunately, many contractors do not have. Contractor mistakes, lack of experience and specialized training can lead to a shortened lifespan of
Read MoreFinding and Hiring the Most Qualified Running Track Contractor
If your school’s running track is starting to show wear and tear or in obvious need for a brand new running track you want to make sure you begin your research process by finding the most qualified running track contractor. Whether you are
Read MoreBest Types of Running Track Surfaces for School Sports Facilities
We are often asked the question: “What is the best type of running track surface for our facility, school or program?” When considering this decision, there are numerous factors to keep in mind such as your budget, your athlete’s
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