Buying Track & Turf Has Never Been So Easy

The SmartBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program can help you get the FieldTurf field and Beynon Sports track you want at the best available price…

all without duplicating the bid process.

The SmartBuy

Cooperative Purchasing Program

The SmartBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program is comprised of multiple National Cooperative Purchasing Agencies, such as The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA), California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS), General Services Administration (GSA), The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN), National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing, Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN), Educational and Institutional Cooperative (E&I), The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS), National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) and COSTARS Cooperative Purchasing Program.

Through these Cooperatives, customers can purchase FieldTurf, synthetic turf, Beynon running tracks and tennis/basketball courts across the U.S. on previously bid contracts with preferential pricing. Turnkey solutions are available with these Cooperatives through the alternative costing method, R.S. Means and the Unit Price Book (UPB).

Over 1000 customers have used this method to purchase their sports surface(s) and related site work preparation. Finding strength in numbers, the Cooperative Purchasing contracts unite schools and municipalities from around the country, helping each one of them save valuable time and money for facility enhancement projects. They work on the organization’s behalf to secure multistate volume purchasing contracts. These contracts provide measurable and cost effective benefits.

Aerial View of Moorestown High School Track and Field
Aerial View of High School Football Field and Running Track
Aerial View of Kingsway High School Football Field and Running Track

Bid Method

  1. Envision Dream Project
  2. Interview / Select Designers
  3. Create Preliminary Plans
  4. Create Budget
  5. Value Engineer Plan to Meet Budget
  6. Finalize Plans and Bid Package
  7. Advertise and Arrange Bid Meeting(s)
  8. Collect bids
  9. Review bids with bid committee
  10. Investigate manufacturers
  11. Bid acceptance
  12. Coordinate installation process
  13. Construction begins

Smart Buy Purchasing Program

  1. Contact American Athletic Track & Turf
  2. Site evaluation completed & quote issued to owner
  3. Owner issues a Purchase Order
  4. Contruction begins


SmartBuy has already been competitively bid through a sealed-bid process and it includes pre-negotiated prices for the best products from FieldTurf and Beynon. No need to settle for low quality systems through the public bid process.


By using SmartBuy you get access to all of FieldTurf’s renowned artificial turf systems and Beynon’s engineered surfacing technology.


Regardless of your project’s location, SmartBuy can help bring it to life. With access to several different Cooperatives, our service is available nationwide.

SmartBuy’s Premier Product Offering

When it comes to artificial turf sports fields, FieldTurf is the most trusted brand in the industry. Whether its football, soccer, baseball or any other sport, FieldTurf fields provide athletes with the safety and performance they need to perform at their best, while giving field owners the durability they want to maximize the value of their investment. FieldTurf is the world leader in artificial turf with over 7500 installations worldwide

Beynon Sports’ premier track & field and athletic surfaces including outdoor tracks, indoor fieldhouses or multi-purpose gymansiums are found in the world’s most renowned facilities, thrilling fans with record-breaking times. Beynon is proud of their industry-leading reputation for unmatched quality, durability and performance. Beynon Sports’ specialized, high performance synthetic athletic surfaces are designed for speed, competition, and daily training. 

How to Get Started: No Cost, No Obligation

Our team at American Athletic will provide you co-op pricing alternatives, expert consultation, and evaluation for your product free of charge and of the highest possible quality.

What Our Clients Say

  • We chose AACI to work on 3 different running track and sports construction projects. In all instances AACI’s work ranks as the BEST example in sports construction I have ever witnessed in my 33 years in this industry.

    John Bell, PE
    President, Kinsey Associations,
    Park & Recreation Consultants
  • Upon final inspection of Bucknell University’s new asphalt pavement for their 2012 running track project, Geoff Daley exclaimed: “In 20+ years of synthetic track surfacing, I have not seen asphalt paved to that precision and consistency.

    Geoff Daley, CTB
    Chief Estimator and Director of Quality Assurance