Have you considered how hosting large high school track and field events may benefit your school? High-profile athletic competitions can boost your school’s reputation. The local business community benefits from an influx of guests and greater publicity for the region. And your students gain insight and inspiration from a gathering of like-minded athletes and coaches.
Don’t let the size, age, and condition of your existing sports facilities hold you back. American Athletic Track and Turf services can help East Coast and Florida high schools design and create state-of-the-art, durable surfaces for competitive athletic events.
Greater Safety and Capacity for High School Track and Field Events
Improved high school track and field facilities provide greater safety for your athletes and set the stage for hosting regional, state, or national competitions. Better sports facilities at your school will help you attract and enroll more students, including high school athletes. And providing a larger capacity for observation and participation can serve as a focus for community gatherings and boosterism.
Modern facilities and sports complexes add vitality to the area, encouraging local pride, and bringing everyone together for fun and excitement. Through our work at American Athletic Track and Turf, we’ve witnessed the community-building power of upgrading high school track and field facilities.
Save Money and Time with Co-Op Purchasing
Our experienced team includes American Sports Builder’s Association (ASBA) Certified Track Builders and Field Builders. We’ve been creating high school track and field facilities for over 40 years and use products from trusted suppliers, including Beynon Sports Surfaces and FieldTurf. What’s more, our membership with the SmartBuy Co-op Purchasing Program, a cooperative purchasing program, allows our customers to purchase these high-quality materials with preferential pricing.
This method of purchasing track surfaces and artificial turf for facility upgrades allows high schools to bypass public bid processes. These can be time-consuming, and since the lowest bid is chosen, the materials used for track and field facilities are of lower quality.
Rather than expending resources to create sports facilities and venues that will erode and degrade more quickly, with The Smartbuy program, schools have the opportunity to purchase top-notch construction with premier quality materials. In addition, American Athletic Track and Turf provides warranties, maintenance, and repairs to keep your athletic surfaces in good working order for years to come. Investigate available options and get started with a quote.
Athletic Field and Running Track Construction
Choose American Athletic Track and Turf for well-qualified, award-winning high school track and field construction. We provide a complete sports facility building solution, including:
- Running tracks: Design, laser-controlled grading, and site-specific drainage
- Artificial turf fields: Laser grading, stone drainage
- Tennis and basketball courts: Laser grading and guided paving, high-tech synthetic surfacing
American Athletic Track and Turf also provides high-quality maintenance and repairs for your high school track and field facilities, including:
- Establishing drainage, utilizing both standard and laser-controlled methods
- Installing sports equipment
- Preparing sites for improvements
- Resurfacing and restriping
- Replacing and patching
- Providing new curbing and edging
Choose High Quality for Your High School Track and Field Upgrade
At American Athletic Track and Turf, we have assisted with sports facility upgrades at both public and private high schools for more than 25 years. We bring our considerable skills and expertise to creating the best possible experience for young athletes and their families. And we’ve witnessed how building facilities to host large sports competitions and events benefits communities by enhancing relationships and area economics.
Our track and turf services are available in Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern Massachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Florida. Contact us today.